(English) ELIST first project meeting in Bitonto Italy

ELIST_Logo_FINAL (1)On the 2nd of February 2015 we, the project consortium of six European countries – Italy Greece Spain Turkey Portugal and Bulgaria, met in Bitonto, Italy, for our first international project meeting, hosted by our lead partner GAL Fior d’olivi.

DSC02677Young managers in the sector of agriculture and agro-alimentary, peripheral agriculture, and tourism, young people and women from rural and urban periphery, adult learning practitioners are the beneficiaries of the ELIST project. The project wants to bring people together to support rural communities to acquire the necessary skills and competences to the new labor market’s needs building on innovative tools and solutions.

DSC02700Next to our project work on administrative matters and financial management, we had a guided visit to historical centre of Bitonto. During the meetings hosted in Gal Fior d’olivi head office in Terlizzi and the study visit in an olive farm in Masseria, we shared iInitiatives to support entrepreneurship and training. Best practices in rural area in Puglia region with public funds were presented.