Interesting data on computer literacy and attitude toward using of social media by people aged 65+ was gained by the consortium from 5 EU countries of the Erasmus+ project e-Active-: Fostering competences to promote active aging through a social participation e-tool. The main project results are Co-designed Training Syllabus for Professionals and Development of a User Friendly e-tool for both seniors and professionals working with them.
2nd Newsletter project E-ACTIVE
Second International meeting, project e- Active
Successful finalization of our GOLD project

1st Newsletter project e- Active
GOLD – fourth transnational project meeting in Muenster
The goal of this TPM in Muenster was to address the tasks completed and to consider the next steps of the project as we are approaching its end.
The Challedu team made a project overview’ by actions implemented until now, objectives and results achieved, pending tasks, and key next steps – especially dissemination and exploitation actions needed and what has to be improved.
We tested some Yoga exercises for seniors presented by the University of Munster.
Find more here:
GOLD third transnational project meeting in Sofia
We met in Sofia in July in order to share reflections on the good practices and discussed GOLD project national exploitation and sustainability possibilities.
Interesting practices and examples were presented by Frodizo – Common project Open University Patras and U3 – How to use digital equipment – for people 65+; Common project Frodizo and Vodafone Greece – online training courses for people 65+ how to work with different devices, how to keep active thinking and avoid dementia in older people, tracking changes in the behavior of people with dementia via new apps or electronic devices etc. Continue reading
GOLD second transnational project meeting in Athens
This year, we managed to have our second meeting in Athens. The project coordinator, CHALLEDU (Greece) and the partners, READING TO THE OTHERS (Greece), ESENIORS (France), FRODIZO (Greece), MUENSTER UNIVERSITY (Germany), and
ASSOCIATION GENERATIONS (Bulgaria), met for the second Learning Teaching Training Activity of the project in order to exchange good practices and define our next steps.
CHALLEDU team presented the good practices they have developed and the games they have co-created to encourage and empower seniors with dementia. They informed us about the Bridge project which aims to create board and digital games for dementia patients and escape rooms. After the presentation, all partners participated in a workshop-game simulation, thus giving us the opportunity to discover new ways of learning and working with the Third Age people. Continue reading
After 3 years of hard work, the activities under the Actimentia project, funded by the EC ERASMUS + program, have been completed. The consortium was composed of representatives of various training organizations from 5 European countries plus Israel – universities, organizations for adult education, vocational training, delivery of social services.
First GOLD project meeting took place virtually.
On November 9th 2020, the first GOLD meeting of the project took place virtually.
Partners made a general presentation of their organizations and their best gold practices for older adults. Then, the coordinator of the project CHELLUD presented project’s main objectives as well as outputs to be achieved. The next steps have been clearly defined and tasks were evenly distributed among all partners. Next on-line meeting was scheduled to be held in February 2021.