Interesting data on computer literacy and attitude toward using of social media by people aged 65+ was gained by the consortium from 5 EU countries of the Erasmus+ project e-Active-: Fostering competences to promote active aging through a social participation e-tool. The main project results are Co-designed Training Syllabus for Professionals and Development of a User Friendly e-tool for both seniors and professionals working with them.
2nd Newsletter project E-ACTIVE
Successful finalization of our GOLD project

1st Newsletter project e- Active
Publication about project ACTIMENTIA – website of NA BIBB, Germany
ACTIMENTIA – Physical Activity And Exercising Benefits In Dementia Care – POSTER
WHOMEN Project – Joint staff training event on transversal competences and soft skills for women with fewer opportunities – Curriculum for training trainers
Training on “Career Guidance Skills” in Riga and Sofia
The training on “Career Guidance Skills” is scheduled for September in Riga and for October in Sofia.
It is in the frame of the Work n it! project and is addressed to the career guidance professionals involved in the project in order to have a practical approach on the different methods used by specialists from the countries participating in Work on it!.
The duration of the training course will be 5 days long. The content of the Handbook that will be presented during the course will also be published shortly so that it can help professionals in this area at European level.
The date of the course will be the following:
Riga: from 18 to 22 September
Sofia: from 9 to 14 October
We will keep you informed of the latest updates!
Leaflet WHOLE
Work on it! 2ND NEWSLETTER
From our cooperation with local practice partners we received altogether 43 methods, tools and good practice approaches. 36 of them were included into a first draft of our “Handbook of good practices”.
The collected methods, tools and good practice approaches were systemised, arranged and relate to key competences they support.
The first draft was introduced to the project partners at the project meeting in Sofia in May 2016. Composition and structure of the single methods and the handbook in its entirety were discussed by the project consortium. Furthermore the partners have been asked to give additional information to several aspects of the methods. Continue reading