ECIL – The Development of a European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning

The aim of this project is to pilot a collection of intergenerational life-long learning training approaches developed in the UK with a number of partners across Europe. Through this process the materials will be tested for wider European relevance. Different delivery mechanisms will be trialled and the materials will be redrafted into a distance learning package that will be delivered throughout Europe and accredited in the UK.

There is a growing recognition of the need for intergenerational approaches to vocational learning that explore the skill sets, attitudes and competences of different cohorts of learners. However, there has been no systemic attempt to date to develop a structured, accredited approach to ILLP, particularly for the professional delivering these programmes.
This proposal has been developed with the partners of the Beth Johnson Foundation in EMIL (European Map of Intergenerational Learning) and builds on the needs assessments that have led to 2012 being designated the European Year of Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity.

The project is financed by the European Commission, program Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of innovations, Nr 2012-1-GB2-LEO05-08174