Association “Generations” started work on the project WHOLE – Wellbeing and Healthy Choices for Older Adults and their Carers, № 2015-1-DE02-KA204-002418, EU Program ERASMUS+. In the project consortium take part organizations from Germany, Austria, Ireland, Israel, Greece and Bulgaria. The project leading organization is Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (Muenster University/WWU), Germany.

WHOLE project’s main objective is to promote active and healthy ageing through physical training for frail seniors and elderly people at home, using as a mean the personalized home care services provided to them by formal and informal carers. At the same time, WHOLE equally emphasizes on the effect of PA on wellbeing and relief of formal and informal carers.

Concerning benefits from PA for the carers, all care giving organizations refer to physical exercise for confronting carer’s stress and burnout as “a powerful stress reliever and mood enhancer that boosts the energy level and fights fatigue”. In addition PA helps the carer to maintain a good range of motion, proper lifting mechanics, and proper body alignment.

WHOLE project’s specific objective is to develop a basic e-learning platform for physical exercising and healthy diet at home to train formal and informal carer to use it as an integral part of the home care services they provide, specified to the prevention of functional decline and frailty among the elderly. IMG_20151015_113952