WhomeN Curriculum for training trainers – evaluation and recognition of soft skills

campanha-en-06During the first week of April (1st to 5th of April) the second short-term training event and the third International Meeting to evaluate the implementation of the Protocol in women at risk of social exclusion, took place in Riga, Latvia.

All partners gathered for a week of activities related to the integration of vulnerable women in the labour market through the improvement of their soft skills.

2The trainers had the opportunity to learn more about mentoring women, how to promote soft skills such as achievement orientation through art activities, namely collage and comics and how to support women in their time management. The training also focused on topics of individual support and methods for developing cooperation and communication within a group.

3The project partners also had the opportunity to visit the State Employment Agency of Latvia and to listen to the testimony from an unemployment woman, who shared her experience and a member from the Latvian Red Cross, who shared his work with refugees.

Moreover, the partners discussed the implementation of the Protocol in women at risk of social exclusion and the tools for self-assessment.

1Next activities will be held between September 2019 and February 2020, when each partner will host a national seminar.

Watch the video here