ELIST Transnational Training for Multipliers in Portugal

tt3 4Transnational Training III within “Elist – European Learning Innovation for Sustainable Training” context is a 5 days Training Course for Multipliers (TCM), was hold in the week 20th – 2th of June in Costa da Caparica, Portugal. 35 participants, from 6 countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain had the opportunity to improve their attitudes/behaviors, knowledge, and skills as Multipliers. These participants were recognized at EU level as the ELIST4M team.tt3 8

The ELIST4M team member will be capable to motivate potential users of the project ELIST results in order to have a positive impact on local development in a sustainable way, considering the environment, the economy and the social context of their communities.

tt3 7This TCM also aim at facilitating participants who want to enhance their competences, and also who want pass and share their own experiences as multipliers to support others with less experience. Participants gained practical experience through the TCM, learning new competences and teamwork methodologies, plan and run activities. Summarizing, the TCM has making it easier for multipliers to create exchanges, influence and participate in a variety of parts of the project ELIST.

Formal, non-formal and informal education and training practitioners, members of Civil Society Organisations (NGO, etc.), and active citizens globally have participated and created mutually beneficial and self-sustaining relationships.

13537670_10154338522314686_2520041511042136883_nThe methodology implemented in the TCM was essentially practical (in-door, outdoor), namely: group work, trigger and reflection groups for assessment. Commonly group dynamics methodologies have been implemented such as: Samoan Circle, Open Source Methodology, World Café, serious game, forum theatre and Human Library.